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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Were they slain in the spirit or bored to death?

Sounds like a lot of churches I know. Link

Wouldn't we rather see this?

"Wesley was a preacher of righteousness that exalted the holiness of God. And when he would stand there with the two to three-hour sermons that he was accustomed to deliver in the open air and he would exalt the holiness of God and the law of God and the righteousness of God and the justice of God and the wisdom of His requirements and the justice of His wrath and His anger and then he would turn to sinners and tell them of the enormity of their crimes and their open rebellion and theie treason and their anarchy. The power of God would so descend upon the company that on one occasion it is reliably reported that when the people dispersed, there
were 1,800 people lying on the ground utterly unconscious because they’d had a revelation of the holiness of God and in the light of that, they’d seen the enormity of their sin. And God had so penetrated their minds and hearts that they had fallen to the ground." Paris Reidhead, Ten Shekels And A Shirt

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