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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Starting Places For Further Research

There is lots of information out there about the revival, so you can research what's going on, compare that to the Word of God, and decide for yourself.

Of course, try the search engines and different queries like, "Todd Bentley," " Todd Bentley Cold Reading," "Lakeland Revival," "Bob Jones," "William Branham" etc and start going down those rabbit trails.

Please don't get engrossed with the opinions, even those sounding knowledgeable and convincing for or against what's going on in Lakeland.

Look for the verifiable facts (videos/books/interviews/articles) and compare what's said/done/written to the Word of God. Everything else is just hearsay, and should be treated that way, until you verify it yourself.

Here are some places for further research:

Tons of articles that you can research or use as a starting point for research about Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Florida Outpouring from End Times Prophetic.

Todd Bentley by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/20/08 - The Todd Bentley "revival" in Florida.

Another Lie, Another Deception, & Another False Move Of God, Just One More False Revival by Jacob Prasch, Moriel Ministries, 5/30/08

Todd Bentley/Fresh Fire Ministries Research Page compiled by Bud Press, Christian Research Service, 6/08

Todd Bentley’s Diabolical Signs by Jackie Alnor, ApostasyAlert, 5/11/08

Press Release – Third Wave Exposed by Christian News Today, 5/17/08
Todd Bentley’s revival in Lakeland Florida [with the assistance of Karl Strader’s son Stephen Strader is all about money.]

Todd Bentley or Jesus Christ? by Bud Press, Christian Research Service, 5/20/2008
Todd Bentley claims to have seen Jesus Christ, but it was not the Jesus of the Bible.

Todd Bentley - The New Simon Magus by Pastor Bill Randles, Believers in Grace Ministries, 5/26/08

Todd Bentley's Angels 4/26/08
Todd Bentley and Contemplative Meditation 4/26/08
Todd Bentley Taught Contemplative Prayer and Silence 4/29/08
Bentley's Lakeland Revival Keeps Moving Spirits... 5/20/08
Todd Bentley or Jesus Christ? 5/20/08

Todd Bentley by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/20/08 - The Todd Bentley "revival" in Florida.
Todd Bentley: "Will We Get Fooled Again?" (Part 1) May 2008
To be Forewarned is to be Forearmed (Part 2) May 2008
A Story of Earth and Heaven (Part 3) May 2008
When the Angel came: The Branham connection (Part 4) May 2008
The fire-Fresh Fire (Part 5) May 2008
The Fire as an ANOINTING (Part 6) June 2008
Angels We have Heard and Seen (Part 7) June 2008

To the Sheepfold or the Luau? 5/21/08
Todd Bentley: The New Simon Magus 5/23/08
Tracking Bentley back to Benny 5/9/08
Todd Bentley Kicks 'Older Lady' with his 'Biker-Boot' 5/28/08
Todd Bentley's Highway to Heaven 6/8/08
Fools for Christ--or just fools? June 2008
Is the Anointing Tangible and Transferable? June 2008
Todd Bentley: Miraculous Healings? 6/18/08
Same old scam? 6/20/08
'Is this the healing hand of God?' 6/21/08

BTW, if your site isn't listed, or you've ran across one that has some good, balanced, information/opinion about the revival, and you would it listed in these links, please email me @


Caron said...

Fantastic idea! Thank you!
I have a great and relevant site for you...
Its regarding false teachers... - click on "demo."
God bless you!

Is Christ Soon To Return said...


I recently moved the TRANSCRIPTS which I had taken while watching the 'revival' live, to a blogspot blog.

Transcripts can now be found at:

Thanks for the time you've spent here!